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Old 12-09-2012, 11:15 AM   #212 (permalink)
Lisnaholic to hear...
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: He lives on Love Street
Posts: 4,444

Best Avatar:
SATCHMO`s latest, Chives`s little retro gem, and UrbanHatemonger; his pic makes Brian Jones look sinister, vulnerable and tacky all at the same time.
Sexiest Member (Female):
Never quite remember whose photo is who, and then people go changing their names, but I think FLECHER and Hermione are both attractive, and Pedestrian too. Perhaps they could all post some new photos for us; once in bathing costume and once in evening dress.
Nicest Member:
VEGANGELICA is such a nice person, especially to newbies and underdogs. So she has a kind of independent, courageous niceness. tore and Janszoon are always helpful, always sensible.
Best Debater:
Voted for tore last year and don`t see any reason to change it; he is polite, rational and dignified.
Biggest Virtuoso:
It happens all the time in the elections; people are ignorant but they vote anyway. With that in mind, I`m voting for Bloozcrooz and GuitarBizarre here.
Smartest Poster:
He seems to be a rather polarizing member, but UrbanHatemonger tells it like he sees it and really knows how to defend himself. He wins my vote on the strength of a recent post, which went something like this: “People need to distinguish between contempt and anger.”
Funniest Member:
I regret that I answered Batlord rather sharply once, but I see now that he, more consistently than anyone else, tries to inject some humour into MB, and usually succeeds.
Best Mediator:
Janszoon always comes across as good-natured and level-headed.
Biggest Troll:
He`s an intriguing guy that I can`t quite work out. I enjoy reading his posts, but he has a tendency to chase the girls and get caught up in ping-pong exchanges with other members, which makes Franco Pepe Kalle a troll, I suppose.
Most Underrated Poster:
He discreetly contributes a lot to the music forums, but I feel that stp gets overlooked because he never gets caught up in personality squabbles or anything. He also gets overlooked because he helps so much with the under-subscribed FAIR album club. Thanks, stp. mrd00d also keeps a low profile – in fact I`m wondering if he`s still posting. Zarbaqual only seems to post in a few places, which is why he is also rather under the radar.
Most Obscure Music Taste:
Frownland seems ready to explore all kinds of music ...
Best Music Taste:
Like last year, this again goes to Blastingas10 . He likes a lot of the same stuff as me and what could be better than that ? Same goes for Frownland too.
Most Missed Poster:
Howard,of course,the Duck should win this because he won`t be coming back at all. On the other hand, we can hope that Jack Pat and s_k may one day return.
Thread of the Year:
What happened to Howard part II affected me more than any other thread this year. WWWP`s Member Gallery is a lot of fun, and a generous gesture on the part of WWWP.
Journal of the Year:
Ashamed to say that Trollheart`s is the only one I`ve looked at really.
Moderator of the Year:
Once again Pedestrian deserves this title. She does so much mod stuff and still finds time to open threads to pursue her special interests.
Best New Member 2012:
For fitting in very well from the start: Rock N`Roll Clown , Rjinn and Plankton
Member you'd most like to meet in real life:
PoorOldPo has a very natural posting style, so I imagine that sitting in a pub with him would be both comfortable and fun. I`d like stp and Pedestrian to be there too.
Biggest Wanna-Be Moderator:
Just because there is a hard-working team of mods doesn`t mean that individual members shouldn`t behave responsibly too. This is something Trollheart understands.

I`d like to say thanks very much to anybody who has nominated me this year, and I`d like to propose a category for next year:
People I`d like to interact with more, but somehow never really do :
This is where I`d put Goofle11, Neapolitan, Blarrobargg and a few others.
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