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Old 12-09-2012, 05:28 AM   #10 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post
So many misspellings, I'm not even sure what happened. I assume that autamin is ottoman, though.
Right, I'm going to attempt this: correct punctuation inserted at no extra charge...

So i tricked Tyler, my 2 year old cousin, into following the dot on my tv. (I don't know what that means: sounds like the old "telly's over" dot you used to get when, well, telly was over for the night, but no-one does this anymore. Eveyrwhere is either 24-hour or runs those bloody infomercials through the night, or links to shopping channels. However, we press on...) Little did he know i had the tv on full blast. Then all of a sudden the scary maze graudge (I'm assuming "Grudge", from the movie?) girl pops up out with the scream. Tyler jumped back, making me fall. He gets up runs into my ottoman, falls down, gets up crying and runs to aneela. Hahahahahahahaha. I bet he'll stop putting his mily
(Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montanta?) on my tv now (presumably in the DVD, since I doubt her two-year old brother is on the board of broadcasting decisions for Disney Channel!)

Despite the misspellings, it seems like a cruel and nasty (and very immature) thing to do to what is essentially a baby. Little bitch.
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