I appreciate your reply, and as I said I wasn't just pushing my own journal, but a general catch-all complaint/comment like "some more originality, people" is I feel overall very demeaning if not insulting to all the hard work people put in on their journals. It's not easy as of course you know: I think your own (when you update it) is also very good, but your contention that "it's all about music" is a bit odd, as this is Music Banter and these are journals which most people would expect to be based around music.
I mean, I could very easily write something about my cats, or aircraft spotting, or science-fiction, but I don't really think that would have too much in the way of interest to people here, who mostly come here for music. And have you actually read my "Stranger in a strange land" feature? It's more like a mini-novel/travelogue, certainly not just album reviews. AND on a genre I intensely dislike, too. It's difficult to shake things up and be a little different, which is what I try to do as much as I can --- even adding the "Series Link" section, which is in no way related to music, just TV I watch, though I suppose you could say it's still media-based --- to keep things interesting. It may not be your thing, and that's fine, but I still think your comment was missplaced and yeah, pretty insulting, though it probably wasn't meant as such: I know you don't really give a **** about journals, which is why I would have preferred you said nothing, but then that's your opinion, this is mine. I feel people just get credit for their work, is all.
As for your challenge? Meh, I'm 50 next year and my memory is not great (what was your name again, sonny?) so I couldn't even remember what my first gig was --- maybe Rory Gallagher or Mama's Boys at the SFX in Dublin, though it could as easily have been Marillion there --- I know you will probably say everyone remembers their first gig, but I don't. Might even have been Barry Manilow or Richard Clayderman or Elkie Brooks, three gigs I treated my mam to. My memory is not great, and besides that, my memory is not great. This isn't too bad until you factor in the fact that my memory is not great, and then ... what was I talking about? I forget...
Anyway, if you're bothered, I DID write an account of a gig I went to, one of my icons at the time (and still), with the whole leadup and everything, which you can find here
http://www.trollheart.com/dubangi.html if you so wish (sorry for the rather harsh colour scheme...) At the time I wrote as Lestat, in case you're wondering, before the movie got everyone and his brother calling themselves that and I had to change it.
Oh, and thanks for recognising how much work I put into my journal, as I'm sure everyone else does in theirs. It's not easy, but it is fun and it's something I very much enjoy. Not everyone will like it, but then, that's how things are and I wouldn't expect that. As long as someone enjoys it and reads it, I'll keep writing. So no sneaky delaying of my updates!