I think you're taking my comments way out of context.
I didn't say everything was bad, I said I don't think anybody stood out. And I stand by that.
You are right, Unknown Soldier's journal is very interesting and I hope he continues it.
But do I think it stands head & shoulders above what yourself or Janzsoon or anybody else is doing? Not really, which is why I didn't vote for it. You may notice that I did give Unknown Soldier credit for posting a lot more these days elsewhere in the awards and a part of that was him doing what he is currently doing with his journal.
Most people pick a formula and stick to it, which is fine but personally that style of writing doesn't really do a lot for me. I voted Pedestian's journal as the best one. Go take a look at. It's not about just one thing, you never know what or how she's going to write next. That's the sort of thing I'd like to see more of which is why I said I hoped to see more originality in peoples writing. It would be nice if people mixed things up a bit.
I don't want to pick apart your journal because I know you work your ass off on that thing. I know you have a wide range of subjects you write about, but when it comes down to it they can all be pretty much narrowed down to you talking about the music you've heard. Which is fine but it's only a small part of it.
Here's a challenge for you, write a journal piece called My First Gig. Tell us about the first gig you went to, tell us who you saw, why you chose to see that band before any other bands, the circumstances of you going, where was it, what did you do before the gig, what did you do after the gig, who did you go with, what happened to those people, do you still see them.......
That's just one example of mixing things up and not just writing about one thing out of possibly thousands, and that's the type of thing I'd be more likely to enjoy and give credit for.
Urb's RYM Stuff
Most people sell their soul to the devil, but the devil sells his soul to Nick Cave.