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Old 12-07-2012, 12:57 PM   #162 (permalink)
county fair energy
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 4,773

Best Avatar: Pedestrian forever.
Sexiest Member (Male): Big3 forever. Although I also think Goofle is quite good looking.
Sexiest Member (Female): FETCHER
Most Inane: FPK
Angriest Member: Urban. He does so humorously, but I often suspect he only acts as angry as he does to keep up appearances.
Biggest Drama Whore: GuitarBizarre. In fact, $10 says he'll respond to this dramatically.
Nicest Member: Goofle.
Best Debater: Tore
Worst Debater: GuitarBizarre
Best Writer: Creatively, Phanastasio, James, and Unchained Ballad. But Conan and Pedestrian are both generally very eloquent.
Biggest Virtuoso: I should really pay more attention. Lateralus, just because she's the only one I have stalked for a sufficient amount of time.
Smartest Poster: Tore
Funniest Member: HHBH. Seriously everyone on this forum is missing out on the joke.
Best Mediator: Pedestrian.
Biggest Troll: HHBH, in the best way.
Most Improved Member: Don't care.
Most Underrated Poster: Lisnaholic.
Most Obscure Music Taste: Pete
Biggest Music Nerd: Goofle
Best Thread Starter: Conan?
Most Missed Poster: Molecules and Right Track forever.
Thread of the Year: Are Women People?
Journal of the Year: Janszoon's!
Moderator of the Year: Pedestrian. I can't for the life of me figure out what she gets from this thankless position but she puts a great amount of time and effort into this place, and I certainly appreciate it.
Best New Member 2012: I hella like Plankton.
Member of the Year 2012: Pedestrian.
Biggest Lounge Lizard: That one girl with the teeth who I only ever see in the picture gallery. I don't remember her name and don't care enough to look it up, but it's something about love and has a bunch of x's.
Member you'd most like to meet in real life: A great many of you. Fetcher, Hermione, Amandria, Conan, Goofle, HHBH, Pedestrian, etc. etc.
Member you'd most want to avoid meeting in real life: I could handle any of you.
Biggest Wanna-Be Moderator: Trollheart
Most amusing Shoutboxer: I absolutely agree with Drunk Pedestrian
Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I know what real life is, I've been living in it for well over a decade
Originally Posted by jadis View Post
WWWP is pretty but should be cancelled (digital blackface)

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