Oh what the hey, it's still two weeks plus away, but let's do it anyway.
Post your greetings, messages, threats of barring orders, whatever here, to whomever you wish, or to all. Or to one particular member or members.
To start, I'd just like to wish a Happy Non-Denominational Non-Religious Holiday-in-some-countries-but-not-in-all to everyone, but singling out
Jackhammer (I know this will be a hard time for you mate; hang on in there and remember the kids will need your undoubted strength and courage to see them through)
Janszoon (thanks for all the help with avatars, posts being approved etc, and for just basically being such a nice guy)
Unknown Soldier, for rockin' us all and putting together one of THE journals of 2012.
Big Ears, for taking the plunge and allowing us to experience his amazing writing
Vanilla and Pedestrian, for always keeping a firm hand on the reins (no sexual jokes please!)
Urban, for allowing the nice guy to occasionally peek though before being battered back down into the depths of his dark persona
Anteater, for being a Prog guru and just real nice guy
The Batlord, for being so funny and yet obviously clinically insane
WWWP, for her amazing drawing and musical talents which she shares with us all
Blarobbarg, Plankton, Mankycaant, Engine, PoorOldPo and anyone else I've forgotten.
And of course, a special Christmas wish to the memory of
Howard the Duck.
A merry Christmas to all, and to all a Bah Humbug!