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Old 12-06-2012, 08:43 AM   #1895 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
As FETCHER said, I think a lot of people's sudden shifts in attitude towards him is incredibly hypocritical. And here, you're basically accusing me of not being able to form my own opinions. I could defend myself, but that would mean taking time to explain in specifics why I didn't like Howard.
That's awfully presumptuous to assume that people suddenly shifted attitudes because of his death, how can you be for certain that people didn't always think that way? In light of what happened, we're focusing on the positives, nothing wrong with

Made a comment on him back in January of this year:
Il Duce: Pretty off the wall, doesn't take anything too seriously, I like him for that. Seems chill, even if he's a weirdo
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