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Old 12-05-2012, 09:01 AM   #516 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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So, after searching a bit, I found this old thread and thought it might be interesting to dust it off as it concerns a matter which people, ironically, seemed much more interested in a few years back when the thread was made, bt which nevertheless is much more relevant today - at least temporally speaking.

The day of our doom, higher consciousness or judgment could be near, according to some.

Here are some interesting posts I found after a quick rummage through the thread :

Originally Posted by Miltamec Soundsquinaez View Post
If I read this thread 6 months ago, I would have been pissed off, and attributed 2012 to fearmongering, and propaganda.

However, after reading a lot of the science surrounding it. I've come to a few conclusions.

First off, we will experience some of the worst solar storms in recorded history. The Earth could be particularly susceptible in this time because it's suggested that the magnetic poles will be shifting, making our electromagnetic field weaker, and unable to shield much of the solar radiation.

The OP said, there's no religion to back this up, that's true I guess, if you discount the Chinese I Ching, the Hopi Indians, Nostradamus, The Bible and the Mayan(although they primarily based their predictions on science), they were known to take opiates to aid them in spiritual awakenings.

The Mayans are more accurate timekeepers than anyone else in recorded history, so I wouldn't discount them as charlatans, since they predicted that there would be a planetary alignment on 12/21/2012, and now you have scientists saying there will be a planetary alignment on 12/21/2012. They also said the sun would rise in a huge black hole on that day, and scientist now predict that there is a massive black hole in the middle of the Milky Way, and that is expected to be between the Earth and the Sun on 12/21/2012. Also, they predicted the end of their civilization hundreds of years in advance, and correctly predicted it due to Spanish conquistadoras. I'm not sure how they knew this by looking at the stars, probably the drugs.

If you believe in time travel, some have suggested that people have already traveled to the future and when they pass through 2012, they experience massive awareness and higher consciousness, like all the info. in the universe is available to them.

I think, like the Mayans, that it is a new birth, we will collectively shift to higher dimensions, and that is due to technology we have that will help us accomplish this at the appropriate time. There are extraterrestrial and extradimensional beings that want to see us undergo a smooth transformation.

When 2012 the movie comes out, it's speculated that the media will try and do a hatchet job on people who believe in it. If anything, the government doesn't want us to panic. I think they ramped up our fear for Y2K, because they understood there is science behind this. Y2K was such a monumental letdown in apocalyptic terms that no one takes this 2012 thing seriously. My advice is look into the science of it, before you go judging too far one way or the other.
Originally Posted by Darkest Hour View Post
Yeah, it can't be a coincidence that the i-ching, current science, and the mayan's all predicted a major astronomical event to happen in 2012. Whatever it is, something will definitely happen.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
Yeah I heard every thing is supposed to break down around December, 2012.

I heard all household appliances are going to breakdown that day, old VCRs, DVD players, TV flat screens, toasters, coffe makers, alarm clocks, radios, flash lights, i-pods, PS2, PS3, - all of it, they will all of sudden break down about the same time. Think about it, Vynils and CDs and MP3s will both expire in 2012, errie aint it?

I don't know how the older stuff will know when to break down, like the new stuff it could be programmed into it, but the older stuff there is no computer in it to control it. So I guess the engineers who built them used like differential calculus??? (because they didn't have computer back then, well not in the 30s or 40s, well at least before 1946 [well I don't know if the first computer was used for that application]) but maybe, they used calculus to know how strong something had to be, before it started breaking down at a specific time in their future, maybe it was integral calculus to figure out the longevity of the item. I remember hearing something about that. I don't know what the target date was, it's most likely Dec, 2012.

Did you ever notice the older stuff you own is sturdier then the new stuff you buy? Like the brooms I buy at the dollar store, the older brooms out-last the newer brooms, I don't know who they do it. If I drop a new broom, the cheap metal tubing they use as the handle just flattens out automaticaly. But the older brooms are made of bamboo and are sturdier, but I've seen some cracking starting, and I have a feeling the older brooms are going to break maybe around November of 2012, and then the new broom I buy will only last for a few days.

2012 - truth is stranger then fiction.
Originally Posted by Classof75 View Post
I think there are some real unusual astronomical occurances that will be happening in 2012. Whether that means the "end of the world", who knows? I think there is an alignment of the planets and a strong solar flare occurance. Stuff like this we have no control over, so I don't think we should waste time worrying over it (imo). Put on a clean shirt, and get on with life! Jeez.
Originally Posted by SATCHMO View Post
The date 2012 is the only apocalyptic date predicted my more than one mutually exclusive culture. The hindus also believe that it is the end of an atman where shiva will take another great breath and everything will resolve itself back into primordial chaos.
There's been some solar storms, but nothing that I've noticed. My computer still works fine. I have not felt myself get closer to a higher level of consciousness lately nor seen any signs of imminent rapture. I haven't heard anything out of the ordinary regarding UFO sightings and Planet X still hasn't showed up on our radar.

Anyone still worried?

I myself had this prediction for December 13 (if Dec. 12 was the predicted doomsday) :

Originally Posted by tore View Post
From year 2012 and later, the 13th of Desember will be celebrated as the "I told you so" day.
So, how will you celebrate "I told you so" day?
Something Completely Different
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