Originally Posted by Janszoon
A lot of people (including Roger Ebert) seem to hate this one for some reason, but I love it. Just the right mix of humor and emotion, I get a little choked up every time I watch it. I also love the surprisingly pitch black sensibility that lurks just beneath the surface.
This is probably my favorite Christmas movie as well. It never gets old. I've always been confused about the bad critic reviews.
I may catch some **** for this, but keep in mind I enjoyed this movie when I was at an age where I was blissfully unaware of how much of a tool Tim Allen is:
I don't care what anyone says...the first one is a Christmas classic. I was right around the age of the kid in the movie, so I could easily relate. This says nothing about the horrible sequels, however. Just the first one, folks...just the first one.