Christmas Films
Ok, so I searched quite extensively for this topic and found nothing. I assumed there would be one so if there is and I just couldn't find it then please tell me and I'll merge the threads.
I loved Christmas when I was a kid and then, like a lot of people, it came to mean less and less with age. I still love Christmas, but it's a lot harder to get in quite the same spirit or to feel "Christmassey". Once I reached my teens, I had my niece who still believed in Santa and got excited enough for all of us to still get in that Christmas spirit. Now she's older it's not quite the same. I hate Christmas music and so I usually don't find myself looking forward to Christmas until the traditional Christmas Eve night out with friends but one thing I do enjoy, however, is Christmas films.
A good Christmas film can forgive cliche's, stupidity, and over-sentimentality or nostalgia. I like stupid ones, I like kids ones, and I like feel-good ones.
What are everyones favourite Christmas films or, if you're like me and will soon start to watch a lot of them, what do you have lined up? This is a thread to both share and recommend.