Originally Posted by jibber
In all of your arguments, there are regimes who are better examples of all the reasons for why the US went to war with iraq.
Anti-american sentiment among the general public with no attempt by the government to supress it: Saudi Arabia is a much bigger threat to the US in that respect
WMD: North Korea (and yes I read your explanation, and I'm not seeing where you're coming from. If the US invaded North Korea I'm pretty sure that the military in North Korea would momentarily turn their attention away from south Korea to the US military who would be carpet-bombing their country.)
Dude, u some good points there, but just too let u know, there is absolutly no way America would 'carpet bomb' anybody, considering they now use 'precision' targeting, they could 'carpet bomb' but the last time they did that was in Vietnam.
Originally Posted by jibber
Humam rights violations: There have been so many instances in the past where the US sat and did nothing. Take Rwanda for instance. The government was commiting genocide while the US did nothing, so why iraq, why now?
Good point man, but perhaps they've started a trend now and will continue to help other countries from now on, they had to start sometime.
Originally Posted by jibber
I realize that you're probably never going to agree with me, just as I'm never going to agree with you. I'm merely responding to this thread to keep the debate going, because I think it's great that we're actually debating the subject. It when people never questions their own beliefs that they get into a pattern of blind faith and obedience, which is (in my opinion) the worst form of ignorance on any matter of importance.
I agree, atta girl jibber!!! (sorry i cant remember if u were a boy or a girl, but i think i can recall a previous thread where u stated u were a chick

Anyways catch ya later mate
P.S I posted some facts on the Bush confilict on another thread called "Bush Debate" ....i think thats it, anyways i couldnt be bothered to put it on this thread, so please take the time to visit that thread