Tempest - Bob Dylan - 2012
Well I had a look and couldn't see a review for this, which is a bit surprising. I know it was September, but I think it merits some attention. I personally think Bob is getting better and better.
"Dusquesne Whistle" is a great opener I think, and as a song it's an interesting mixture of elegance, intimacy and sometimes even a little reminiscent: "You rascal, I know exactly where you're going, I'll lead you there myself at the break of day" and of course "you smiling through the fence at me, just like the way you've always smiled before". Also I thought the instrumentation was very good, which isn't why I listen to Bob Dylan, but all the same was certainly proficient.
Another highlight has to be "Soon After Midnight", which is a positive goldmine for memorable lyrics - from now on whenever I'm late I use the excuse "It's soon after midnight, and I've got a date with the fairy queen." I think also particularly excellent were his thoughts on contempt and opposition he has received: "They'll chirp and they'll chatter, what does it matter? They're lying there dying, in their blood", often quite sinister "two timing Slim, who's ever heard of him? I'll drag his corpse through the mud."
Other highlights include "Scarlet Town" and "Tempest", the latter I think he was making up as he was going along.
Anyway, does anyone have thoughts?
Last edited by Salami; 12-04-2012 at 12:15 PM.