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Old 07-12-2004, 03:06 PM   #38 (permalink)
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I was never much of an AFI fan, they hardly ever play shows over here and when they do they don't seem to realise that there's more to Britain than London, but I caught them at the Reading Festival last year, due to a combination of my feet hurting after jumping up and down to Hundred Reasons, and not wanting to see Blur on the main stage, and I was converted.

Sell outs or not (I don't care either way) they put on an incredible show. Loud, aggressive, passionate, everything I expect from a band at a gig. Hell, we pay them the money for them to entertain us, and to put some effort into it, and they put a huge amount of effort into it. So they've made some money and a comfortable life for themselves from music, call me old-fashioned but I thought that everyone formed bands because they didn't want to have a proper job.
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