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Old 11-28-2012, 09:48 PM   #28 (permalink)
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130. Trash Talk (Thrashcore/Hardcore) California USA era: Modern &

Dropdead (Powerviolence)Rhode Island USA, era, 90's & other powerviolence pioneers

Although I'm not a huge fan of the thrashcore/powerviolence genres, California's Trash Talk has become one of the current premiere hardcore bands for a reason. They have a fast paced in your face aggressive sound, and they are very good at it!!! In case this is your thing, I'll list below the band DropDead as well, as they are sort of legends for this genre.


Walking Disease

Immaculate Infection

Dropdead & other Power Violence pioneers

I have yet to develop an appreciation for this genre, but there were some requests for the classic bands, so in addition to Dropdead, I've added some of the other pioneers to the list.

A Disease Called Man

Spazz Genre (Powerviolence) California, usa, era 90's

Let's ****ing Go!!!!

Infest Genre (Powerviolence) California, usa, era 80's/90's


Capitalist Casualties Genre (Powerviolence) California, usa, era 80's/90's

Violence Junkie

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-24-2013 at 03:53 PM.
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