Best avatar - Burning Down
Sexiest Member (male) - Plankton
Sexiest Member (female) - Burning Down. I love her so much although she hates me. She is a natural sexy lady though.
Most Inane - The Batlord
Angriest member - Urban Hatemonger
Biggest Drama Whore - Vanilla. Such a Lady Gaga fanatic. Always bitches with everyone even she likes you.
Nicest member - Burning Down. She seems to atleast try to be nice unlike others including my
Best debater - Trollheart
Worst debater - The Batlord
Best Writer - Frownland. He has a great writing
Biggest Virtuoso - WWWP. She is good on guitar and she has such a sexy voice
Smartest poster - Thom Yorke
Funniest member - I have to say Hip Hop Bunny Hop. He knows humor better than anybody else.
Best Mediator - Burning Down. She knows how to draw the line
Biggest Troll - Blarrobarg. He is the one who wants to whine and whine.
Most Improved Member - Ekosekeletal
Most Underrated Poster - Ekosekeletal. He has a great poster but no one apperciates it.
Most Obscure Music Taste - I have to say Geekoid. He loves all music and he wants to hear some from music of African. I will help him.
Best Music Taste - I have to say Burning Down. She loves REM. I also happen to like that band. She would be happy if I played songs of REM.
Biggest music nerd - I say Trollheart because he has a great knowledge.
Best Thread Starter - Hip Hop Bunny Hop
Most Missed Poster - Howard the Duck/IL Duce.
Thread of the Year - WWWP's Member Picture Gallery. So funny but she hates me but regardless I love it.
Best Journal - Trollheart's. He is a genius. I need to check his stuff more.
Moderator of the Year - Burning Down. She is a beautiful lady though she hates me to death.
Best new 2012 member - SlowGroove
Member of the Year 2012 - Burning Down
Biggest Lounge Lizard - Vanilla
Member you'd most like to meet in real life - I love to meet Vanilla, Mackykant, Goofle11, Pedestrain, Freestyle Dali, Burning Down, Geekoid, Fred Hale Sr., Foward to Death, Circle
Member you'd most want to avoid meeting in real life - I avoid Urban, he would kill me and bury my body. Urban is too angry. He scares me.
Biggest Wanna-Be Moderator - I say myself Franco Pepe Kalle. Some people here want me to be a moderator although I have no intention to be so.
Most amusing Shout boxer - Hermoine
The problem with Franco Pepe Kalle is that he is a unpredictable character. There is surprising info about this man. You think he only likes Franco and Pepe Kalle but when you find out that he hears other artists, you are shock.
Girls are the sexy thing that God created.
Important to notice FPK.