I'll just do a few right now, and update the rest/add some more explanations later.
Best avatar - Sparky - the dog with the bow on its head (made me laugh everytime I saw it)
Sexiest Member (female) - WWWP because:
FETCHER, Pedestrian
Nicest member - Vegangelica (unbelievably nice; seems to put a lot of thought into her posts and will respond to pretty much everyone)
Biggest Virtuoso - Arkeologists Norman (I guess he counts? One of the better new producers out there)
Smartest poster - TheBig3 (seems to be pretty expressive but always seems to have something intelligent to say)
Funniest member - Sparky (because he's funny? Doesn't seem to take himself seriously)
Best Mediator -Janszoon (respected by everyone so it's almost easy for him to mediate in any situation)
Most Improved Member - PoorOldPo (signed up last year but didn't post much outside the art thread. I remember putting him down as the most enigmatic last year because of that, and I'm glad to see he's stuck around and expanded into other areas)
Best Music Taste - Goofle (don't like everything he likes, but I think it's a pretty close match for the most part), Sparky, Loathsome Pete
Biggest music nerd - bob. (I'd try to explain my choice but it probably wouldn't do it justice)
Most Missed Poster - thedownwardspiral (put him down last year as well, I think. Where ya been, man?), Il Duce
Member of the Year 2012 - Janszoon (the bearded face of MB)
Sexiest Member (Male): Alfred, PoorOldPo
Best Writer: Pedestrian
Most Underrated Poster: stp, Mr. d00d, Sparky
Most Obscure Music Taste: bob.
Best Thread Starter: Urban Hatemonger
Thread of the Year: WWWP's Picture Gallery
Journal of the Year: Time & Place
Moderator of the Year: Loathsome Pete, Pedestrian, Burning Down
Best New Member 2012: frigginparadox
Member you'd most like to meet in real life: Sparky, Janszoon, WWWP
Last edited by Thom Yorke; 12-09-2012 at 09:37 AM.