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Old 11-25-2012, 12:28 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
You obviously know a thing or two about music and you have posted a couple of bands that I haven't heard before but even if you are not a fan of Power Violence bands to not include Infest in a list of of 100 + bands is kinda odd to me especially as they were a massive influence on Napalm Death
Hey Jackhammer I hope my comment on Infest Slave didn't come off as disrespectful that was not my intent. To be honest, I didn't include Infest Slave because I've never given them a good spin. All I can say is that back in my skateboarding days, before the internet came along, you either got a band through your friends or co-op radio, or you didn't. So I am guilty as charged.

I've only ever heard Infest Slave in passing, and they sounded like what has now been labeled as power violence. I've thrown the genre labels up to give people an idea of the style, but I'm not big into putting bands into categories, so I imagine I am bound to get a few wrong.

Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
and to say that you don't like Post Hardcore is rather strange too as there have been some awesome bands from that sub genre such as nomeansno, Jesus Lizard etc
I agree, both the Jesus Lizard & No means No are on the list, but I did say my musical taste is flawed, so when it comes to hard music I'm not really into the abstract. Throughout the 90's there were a million post hardcore bands that sounded like Helmet in North America, you couldn't get away from it.

Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
Here's hoping there is some Amebix, Broken Bones, Cerebral Fix, Benediction, Crucifix, Poison Idea, Crumbsuckers, Ludichrist and Autopsy in there.

I just want to stress that I was hoping this would become an interactive thread because this is a personal list based on my own musical taste.

I'll cover some of your bands first, and then list some bands that I flat out don't like so people can just jump in and stick them in if they like, or tell me where they want them, and if you want to use your mod powers to hijack my thread, kick my name off, and rearrange everything to your liking, your more than welcome to do so. I just hope you don't close the thread...because its fun.

Amebix, on the list, Broken Bones absolute legends, defiantly on the list. Poison Idea, I forgot about them, but if you want them on the list please stick them somewhere or let me know the spot.

I didn't want this to become an 80's or 90's thone so there are a lot of bands that I like that I left off for the sake of adding newer bands. Ludichrist and the Crumbsuckers are two of those bands, other bands I left out included the Accussed, Septic Death, MDC, TSOL, oh this is probably pissing you off lol, Cryptic Slaughter, The Electo Hippies, Pussie Galore, Operation Ivy, Hellbastard, the Blitz, The Business, and I thought Nuclear Assault leaned to close to metal so I pulled them. For the sake of abreivating the post, I won't list the 90's or 00's. Note I like the all the above.

Bands I flat out don't like that are well known. Husker Du, Crass, The Minute Men, Fugazi, , Helmet, Hatebreed, Botch, Nausea, Face to Face, Dropdead, Nasum, Spazz, Earth Crisis, Alexisonfire, Skitsystem, and not to big on the Adolescents, that's all I can think of right now. So if anyone out there likes these bands stick them in!
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