I was forced to go along with my sister to see Lady Gaga yesterday. I don't like her music but the pictures from the great castle and the costumes from her show convinced me a bit. First of all, I had to pay almost 500 HUNDRED DOLLARS to get a spot at the vip area and the resellers lowered it to 90 minutes before the concert began, some were even 30. The opening acts weren't amusing at all, Lady Starlight just pressed play and started dancing around like a ****ing drunk and The Darkness were ridiculous doing their Queen imitations. Though there was 25,000 people in a 50,000 stadium they were all obsesssed 'little monsters' screaming and lifting their cellphones. You could barely hear anything because of the damned amplifiers and I could recognize just 4 songs, the rest were Born This Way rarities and some kind of LBGT anthems. Stage props were cheap looking and the backup dancers were in desperate need of gaining weight. Two hours later, Gaga pulled a bunch of crying fans to the stage and made the weirdest runway walk of all time. I came home with just one shoe, my phone and jacket lost and half deaf. I have attended several concerts with at least 80,000 people on it and suffered more than that, but they were absolutely worth it. Yesterday has reminded me why I hate so much popular music, my sister and that (lucky me) a pair of Norah Jones tickets are waiting for me