Again, speaking as an outsider, the USA has gained a reputation now for outward aggression against other nations, which is only going to fuel the anti-Western feeling that the extremist groups rely on to bolster support.
The excuses for invading Iraq were at best flimsy, at worst downright lies. There is no proven link between Saddam Hussein and the atrocity of 9/11, and as has been mentioend before, the majority of the protagonists of that act were funded by Saudi Arabians. Bin Laden is a Saudi Arabian. Bush's links between Iraq and Al-Qaeda just don't make sense.
It's a real shame that the USA comes off so badly in this war, because I've been to the US numerous times, and I love the place, the people, the atmosphere, but many millions of people will never be able to understand that the current government's actions do not represent the will of a great number of people. (Although Bush's awful economic policies did mean I got tons of cheap records over there last time I was there

which I'm not complaining about.)