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Old 11-18-2012, 10:46 PM   #2 (permalink)
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140. Anal ****
Genre (Grindcore), Massuchesettes USA. 90's/00's and

Pulverizing Lethal Force (Grindcore), Texas, USA, modern

Phobia (Grindcore/crust) California, USA, modern

Anal ****:

During the 1990’a political correctness was all the rage. You literally couldn’t speak your mind without having to worry about being pegged as a bigot of some sort or another . Thus it should be noted that no other band captured the spirit of political correctness quite like Anal ****. With songs like “I went back in time and voted for Hitler” “Beating up ******s that sell fake crack,” and “You were too ugly to rape, so I beat the **** out of you” Anal **** truly exemplified the progressive values of tolerance and diversity that can make our world a better place.

(ahem... I think I should stress that I'm a liberal before people get the wrong idea)

In all seriousness though, let us remember that punk rock was not just a middle finger to the right of the political spectrum but to the left as well, and there is something sinisterly evil about PC and its totalitarian nature. I therefore applaud AC’s poke in the eye to all those who want to control what we think and speak, no matter how offensive it may be.

I went back in time and voted for hitler

The word homophobic is gay

I thought it would be easier just to go in and amend things instead of starting a whole new list, so two additions here. Texas has always been a hotbed for grindcore & P.L.F. is great for those who are into straight up traditional grindcore in the vein of Napalm Death. I've also had a soft spot for Phobia so I've added them as well.

PLF- Pulverizing Lethal Force

Phobia- Loud, Proud... and punk as ****!

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-05-2013 at 02:34 PM. Reason: amending list, dead links
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