Originally Posted by bob.
i just read this and almost cried
Fugazi to reform, release best-of, and tour with new line-up | superproduct
i mean i'm fine with a Fugazi reunion and even not with all the original members....i was able to see Fugazi several times throughout their carreer but understand how awesome it would be for younger fans to see them live (same with Jawbreaker)
a Starbucks release greatest hits?
not releasing the greatest hits on Dischord but rather on f ucking Interscope!!!!!!!!?
a new "hip" LOGO!~!@!!!????
selling the rights of Birthday Pony to Hallmark????!!!!
i officially give up completely on humanity.....bring on the f ucking global warming....i can't wait to watch you all choke
I knew someone would pick that up and run. I've had the pleasure to have seen them previously many times. I think i'll still enjoy this Ian Mackaye sellout version also. Plus its a free ticket. I don't want to buy his cd's or shirts and certainly don't wanna buy his politics.
cheer up bob, global warming is a lie anyway. HEH