Originally Posted by FETCHER.
Right on a serious note.
When I am out and talking to a random guy I consider good looking, I never see him as a potential partner. Same for guys I am friends with. Infact I can't even remember the last time I properly fancied a guy, seriously. I have noticed it for quite a while now and I don't know wither it is completely normal and I have just lost interest it has been that long? Or I'm even beginning to consider this might be me permanently and I'm just not interested in relationships? Has anyone else went through this and is it normal? I dunno I think I'm looking into it too much but who knows?
Yea I go through the same but it's more common than you think. I think you can fancy someone but not exactly click with them. Probably haven't found that certain person yet you're ready to have one with, so don't stress yourself about it. You're ready when you're ready. *shrug*
I'm always told "it will happen". I dunno if they mean out of the blue though?