Originally Posted by Rjinn
Now that I've mentioned it Derek Trucks deserves some credit here. I reckon he's one of the best recent blues guitar players.
^ Yes, Rjinn, a great player who has his own thread, thanks to blastingas:-
Originally Posted by blastingas10
I saw Derek trucks in concert a few months ago, and wow, was I impressed. The guy has a really unique sound, only comparable to duane allman, but he's quite a bit different than Duane.
I don't really like calling him a "blues guitarist". Even when he's playin the blues it doesn't really sound like any other blues guitarists. And then there's the side of him that you hear in songs like "Mahjoun", "sahib Teri bandi" and the whole "soul serenade" album, except for a song or two.
^ When you go to a concert, you keep choosing the kind of guys I`d like to see ! I really liked the clip you posted of "Sahib Teri Bandi", btw. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Rock N' Roll Clown
Green is one of the best blues guitarists, and certainly one of the greatest white blues guitarists that ever lived. It's a shame that that few people know him.
^ There`s some great playing on the Live In Boston four-cd package. Have you heard it, R&R ?
I saw Pete Green playing one time in a London pub, but he turned in a very disappointing performance; some band had been put together, trying to cash in on his name, at a time when he really wasn`t up to playing in public.
Originally Posted by 12barblues
Seems most everybody's been mentioned, I didn't see jimmy thackery anywhere tho....Always liked the nighthawks when he was with em.
^ Welcome to MB, 12barblues.

I wonder if by any chance you like blues music ?
Jimmy Thackery is a new name to me, so I thought I`d put up a clip in case anyone else is as ignorant as me. Pretty impressive, I must say !