Bit underwhelemed if I'm honest. I mean, it's a decent story but essentially it's a cop/action show with links to sf elements. The theme, at its heart, is pretty basic: bad guys on the run from cop who intends to stop them destroying things, or in this case, manipulating events to change time. It started well in the future but then they all went back (!) to 2012, and since then although there have been some flashbacks to the future (if you know what I mean) most of it has been based in the present.
It's okay, and enjoyable, but I don't get the hype it's being pushed by the SyFy Channel. Every time an episode ends the announcer drools in an annoyingly faux-excited voice "It just gets better and better, doesnt it?" Well, no, it doesn't. So far the premise is a bit flawed: the "terrorists" were painted in the first episode as noble freedom fighters, struggling against the grip of corporations who run the world, then suddenly once they went back in time they're evil, desperate, violent criminals who'll kill anyone to make their point.
I don't get why no-one will do an sf series either based in the future or in space; this is just a glorified cop show. It's sort of a mixture of V and The Terminator. I'm not saying I hate it, or that I wouldn't advise anyone to watch it, but I don't know: I just had expected more. Maybe it'll get better as it goes on, but I hope it's not one of those shows that ends on a cliffhanger and then gets cancelled... Or at this point, maybe I do?

On a happier note, "The Booth at the End" is back! Season two begins on Monday! I didn't think we'd see anymore of this, and I'm delighted there's a new season. Yay! One of the most intelligently-written and thought-provoking series I've seen in a long time, just a pity it's so short: only five episodes in all. Miss it at your peril!