Music Banter - View Single Post - U.S. Election Day — Obama vs. Romney
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Old 11-08-2012, 12:52 PM   #533 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
For the first time today, I saw a UK newspaper from Monday that had a map of how the voting was expected to go in each state. Romney had like 80% of these states with Obama the rest. I thought what, how can Obama win!!! Then I saw it was done by seats (or whatever you call it there) and states like California, New York and Illinois had a huge amount of these seats (California 55 I think) compared to say states like Montana (3 I think). Which leads me to think, that the key is to win in the really big states in terms of population and power and add a few others etc and you're guaranteed victory. Is the Presidential race as easy as I just described or not?
Right, which is one reason why in states with few electors there anti-federal tendencies are so high. Montana's one member of the house & three electors are essentially worthless, yet - despite this - the Federal Govt. owns 1/4th of land in the state....
Have mercy on the poor.
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