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Old 11-07-2012, 11:42 AM   #10 (permalink)
Lisnaholic to hear...
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You`re right, no-one`s going to mind if we put Algarnas Tragard in. Unless I hear otherwise I`ll include it in the poll I`m going to post later today or tomorrow.
Thinking about it, though, if it`s prog rock, people would probably expect it to be in the prog section. For instance, that`s where I found Harmonium (who sing in French) and if I wanted to check out Kraftwerk I`d go to the Electronic forum first; somehow, German lyrics don`t turn Autobahn into world music, do they ?
On the other hand, we did listen to Ernest Ranglin here, although there`s a separate reggae forum too; and the thread for Afro-pop turned up in this forum rather than the pop forum.
So there isn`t much consistancy. Of course one solution is that you stop discovering all this obscure music, stp. Can`t you just stick with Kylie Minogue and AC/DC for a while ?!
"Am I enjoying this moment? I know of it and perhaps that is enough." - Sybille Bedford, 1953
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