I think you're doing a superb job with your well-thought-out analysis here MC. I love DOStM and would certainly consider myself a fan, however the albums I have are all more of what would be considered "bandwagon-jumpers", in that they all come after that one: "The Wall", "Wish you were here", "Final cut", "A momentary lapse" and "Division bell". Okay, I own "Meddle" and have listened to it once, maybe twice, and I've never really heard "Animals" all the way through, but the older albums? The Syd era, the "Pipers" and the "Saucerfulls" and even the likes of "Atom heart mother"? Never heard them. Bits of, yes. But I've never been that impressed/interested that I HAD to go buy, or acquire them.
But if I like Pink Floyd it's because, well, I like their music, not because I feel I have to. There are HUGE bands I don't quite dislike but have little interest in, that to admit such would bring a huge roar of disapproval/disbelief from certain quarters: the Stones. The Who. The Beatles. The Kinks. Nir-bloody-vana! And I hate Elvis with a passion; always have, always will.
But throughout my life I have bought records for one reason and one reason alone: that I like the artiste. I don't care who else does. It's one reason why my first stay here was curtailed when I perceived too much elitism in members and that my musical tastes, seen as pedestrian or even mainstream were being looked down on, as if I hadn't got the sense or the let's say breeding to look beyond those and discover the delights of bands I'd never even heard of, or wanted to, but that half or more of the people here were totally into.
Anyone who follows a band or artiste, or buys their music because they think they have to, or should, is kidding themselves. This is a case of following fashion in music terms: all my friends like Westlife (for example) so I should too, even though I think they suck but I'd never say that in front of them. My buddies are all into hardcore metal so I have to be too, even though I'd rather listen to a George Michael album. People feel they have to fall in with the crowd, that to have a different or dissenting opinion is generally frowned upon, and runs you the risk of alienation.
And I say, what of it? If people aren't into my music then I consider that their loss. Maybe at some point they'll discover it and see what they've been missing. Or not. But I would never listen to something just because I thought I had to, or was expected to, or should. I would take recommendations, certainly, but as with Bon Iver, I make my own mind up, and yes, I agree, I fail to see what was so great about Nirvana. Never liked them.
As for Floyd, sure I like them but I do because I do, if that makes sense. DSOtM speaks to me in ways it may not to others; it evokes certain memories and brings back certain times, and I always, always enjoy listening to it. If Burn Piano Island Burn does this for you, then fair play because you've discovered something that may be personally important to you, that others may not get, but again, that's their/our loss.
And I LOVE your description of Dark Side as the gazelle on the mountain...
Oh, and catchiness is a word...
Great journal so far, and I like the fact you shy away from les tubes of you: the way you use your descriptive prose to paint the picture is much more interesting. Keep it up!