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Old 11-06-2012, 11:02 AM   #1830 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: So-Cal
Posts: 3,752

I wanted to concentrate this post on people I feel really add alot to music discussion here and do an admirable job in the process.

Alfred- Very nice approachable guy with a vast discography. Also adds to the Lounge area and has a very good personailty and great approach to everything in general.

Mankycaant- He at times seems to be the guy that sparks conversation in a myriad of ways. Has a real taste for good hip hop and takes the time to create lasting threads and doesn't ever stray from his feelings on anything.

Urban- I don't get the people who put him on blast. I think hes a pretty down to earth guy and his music taste is very admirable. He puts alot of heart into his post and has a real dialed in approach to seeing things. I find myself doubting my own discography at times because he says something that makes sense even if its taking a band I love and adore and smashing them to bits. Solid guy. And yeah I deserved the **** off that one time. LOL
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