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Old 11-04-2012, 03:07 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mankycaaant View Post
why do so many of the new members come in with these overly pretentious threads about the meaning of life, exchanging the last word with the term music, in an attempt to sound profound.

Why does there need to be a deeper meaning. Why do we need do delve into the subconscious mind in an attempt to better understand why we like a certain chord progression, why must we ponder whether or not the government conspires via radio-friendly songs in an attempt to get us to buy into foreign invasions?

This ain't a psychology forum. why do people give time to these threads and neglect to talk about, y'know...actually music?
I'm not sure if you're asking why NEW members do this, or why ANY member does it. In the case of the first, well, I assume they're looking around for something that hasn't yet been a topic, and a lot of the more popular ones are gone now. It's surely an attempt to avoid falling into the trap of opening with a "X vs Y" thread or "What's your favourite single" type of thing. At least it shows some thought has been put into the idea, so I have no problem with it. And as Po says, it's a valid question.

If you're talking about the topic itself being questionable, I'd say that music infuses, influences and directs most of the things I do, and probably a lot others here too, so whether it's politics, love, collecting CDs or even making lists, it's all linked together by music. Different if the OP had said "Does life have rules?" That's also a valid question, but belongs in the subforum for such discussions.
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