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Old 11-03-2012, 08:59 PM   #1815 (permalink)
Justifiable Idiocracy
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Not to get to far off topic here but I happen to do that a lot with people. I catch a lot of shyte for it but I just dont see the point in catering my thoughts for the benefit of someones feelings. I dont always like what people have to say to me but if its the truth I respect them more in the long run. Initially it may seem harsh but I always end up appreciating the fact that they said what they thought. No matter the topic because thats how I am myself. Of course you cant expect everyone to adopt this way of thinking cause everyones different. Of course through the years it has earned me plenty of names. @.zz hole being the most popular. Especially in relationships with the opposite sex. I'm ok with that because by popular opinion its the truth. Is it wrong is it right...I dont know but its how I'm wired. I'm under the impression that once your an adult the truth should not be hard to handle if it is in fact the way you truly feel. In most instances though its not the case because people for the most part dont like to hear the truth. But thats just my opinion.
Originally Posted by Skaligojurah View Post
Fuck you, bloozin! Your stupid thread too!
<DoctorSoft>: You know life is good when you take Viagra to jack off lol
Originally Posted by Il Duce View Post
- Hendrix didn't even play the blues that well -

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