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Old 11-02-2012, 09:36 PM   #1805 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
Make it so
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 6,181

Urban: my best friend and is the best at ripping people new ones. I really love our inside jokes that we subtly post on MB!

bob.: a really great guy and I always enjoy reading about your music tastes.

Fetcher: adoreable Scottish lass that I love and want to get on the piss with.

Freebase: you are so much fun to mod with, you have this ability to go on rampages with me annoying other members yet still remain a really fair mod.

Janszoon: I adore you. You're funny, witty and are incredibly intelligent. I always feel special when you take an interest in me.

Burning Down: you're my favourite lady on here and are always good for decent conversation.

Hermione: I know we have had our occasional arguments but I like your fire, originality and passion for life. You're a great girl.

Awwsugar: I do like you but find you a bit sarcastic and judgmental of my opinions sometimes. I may not always make sense with what I say but I find your response can be quite snarky.

Big3: probably the most thoughtful and intelligent person here, I love it when you get on your box and tell people how it's done - particularly with political discussions!

Batlord: you are always cracking me up, I love the banter you have with people and can relate to your music taste!

Blarobbarg: an all round nice person.

Loathsome Pete: You're a cool guy that I've gotten to know a bit more in these last few months.

Pedestrian: at first I found you a right pain in the ass, but it didn't take long for me to see you were a really interesting lady and has continued to significantly contribute to MB as a whole.

Mojopiunk: You're such a wonderful guy, caring, fun and a great guy to talk to. I really appreciated your response to the spam thread you totally get it.

Vegeangelica: you're a perfectly nice woman but I think you need to put your feet in other people's shoes before making judgments sometimes.

hip hop bunny hop: so many people seem to love you on here but I find you terribly unkind and ignorant. You pretend to be this excellent debater but all I've ever seen is unsubstantiated claims, bad research and hot air.

More to come another day.
"Elph is truly an enfant terrible of the forum, bless and curse him" - Marie, Queen of Thots
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