Originally Posted by Janszoon
Well, I guess we just feel completely opposite about these movies. To me Qui-Gon Jinn was not a particularly memorable character since he was basically a clone of Obi-Wan from the originals. The best characters, imo, were Obi-Wan, the Emperor and Yoda, and one of the most interesting things about the prequels was the way these three evolved and slowly turned who they were in the first trilogy. As far as the plots go, Phantom Menace is the one with the story that I found the least memorable and least relevant—some poorly explained trade dispute that has nothing to do with in anything in the larger story aside from getting the characters all together in one place. The other two were actually key pieces of the larger storyline and much more entertaining movies.
I actually think the plot is pretty intricate...it's a shame the script was so poor because the whole thing was pretty clever (and the one thing George did right...if he even though of it).
Nerd moment coming...
Palpatine was the Ambassador for Naboo. Obviously, he was also a Sith lord. Galactic domination isn't easy. His first task was to be elected Supreme Chancellor for the Republic, which wasn't going to be simple since Naboo is pretty much a bum**** planet. Using his dark side powers, he convinced the Trade Federation to create a "trade dispute" with Naboo (which they were really just going to turn into a full blown war regardless). The Republic had no standing army so there was nothing they could do to help. This also made the current Chancellor look bad and created sympathy for Naboo...perfect time for Palpatine to move in and get elected (I'm sure with a little help from the dark side). The Trade Federation loses, they get pissed, and they and many other planets are convinced to join the "Separatist" movement by Darth Sidious (who is obviously Palpatine's apprentice). The reason behind creating this movement was so that Palpatine could convince the Republic that they needed an army. Queue the clones. Now the Army of the Republic is fighting the Separatists...both sides which Palpatine has orchestrated. He designed the war to go on and on until eventually he could pin the whole thing on the Jedi, kill them, and then declare himself Emperor. This is funny, too, because if you remember it was Jar Jar who gave Palpatine emergency powers to declare all this stuff in the first place...so really he's the one who screwed everyone over.