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Old 10-31-2012, 05:22 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I agree it doesn't look great in the stills you picked of II and III but its hardly something that ruins the movie for me. If it were, I wouldn't have ever been able to get past the dated film compositing of the original trilogy. Maybe you've never seen the first three movies in their original form, with the cutout boxes around the TIE fighters, the orange blob under Luke's landspeeder, the horribly composited rancor, etc., but the Star Wars movies have always had their questionable shots. It's not something that was new to the prequels.

Also, I'm pretty sure that still you have from the first movie is from one of the many recolored and retouched versions of the film rather than the original, which was not nearly as color rich.
I had, and it was never something I minded. There's a difference between some dated special effects shots and the composition of the entire film. A New Hope was very low budget, so going back and recoloring/updating some of the SFX sequences and film coloring doesn't bother me at all. I don't mind updating the older films, necessarily. I would definitely take issue with them changing the tone completely, but even if they did I'd want them to make sure the feel of all 6 films remained consistent with each other, as I'd like them to view like films in the same series. I prefer the style of the original trilogy (the original low budget look of the first run of A New Hope notwithstanding), as it's far more grounded in practical special effects and of course the beautiful 35 mm standard of the time.
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