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Old 10-31-2012, 05:11 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I agree it doesn't look great in the stills you picked of II and III but its hardly something that ruins the movie for me. If it were, I wouldn't have ever been able to get past the dated film compositing of the original trilogy. Maybe you've never seen the first three movies in their original form, with the cutout boxes around the TIE fighters, the orange blob under Luke's landspeeder, the horribly composited rancor, etc., but the Star Wars movies have always had their questionable shots. It's not something that was new to the prequels.

Also, I'm pretty sure that still you have from the first movie is from one of the many recolored and retouched versions of the film rather than the original, which was not nearly as color rich.
I'm going to agree with Conan on this one. At least The Phantom Menace attempted to keep a consistent feel with the original trilogy. II and III just felt like "look at this EYYE CANNDYYY". Maybe that would have been ok also if it weren't for Hayden Christenson. Every time I see the new ones I think "ok...maybe I was hard on it last time. Maybe his acting isn't so bad." No. It's worse every time. He does have a pretty mean looking stare, though. Redeeming qualities about the original trilogy: Liam Neeson as a Jedi, Ewan McGregor playing Obi Wan (he was born to play a young Obi Wan), and a Yoda lightsaber battle. Things I really can't get over: Anakin's transition to the dark side and Padme losing the will to live. JESUS woman, you just had kids! Both of those things could have been avoided with half decent writing.

As for George messing with the originals...I actually don't mind it. I just wish he was consistent. Why would Hayden pop up all young and then Obi Wan is still old? I'd be pissed.

Ok, that being said...this Disney thing could be good or bad. They might make better movies (in which case, cool...more Star Wars). Or they might make it horrible, which would be even worse than the prequels. With the prequels, the original trilogy couldn't really be screwed up. We knew the prequel story, only now we just saw how it went down. If it was good or bad, it didn't really matter. It all led up to the same thing. With new movies, though, now they have the potential to completely **** with a story that I think ended great.
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