Originally Posted by The Batlord
Same here. I used to be a total Star Wars nerd. I even read the books. Those things were atrocious. Even the good ones were only really good when I was a teenager. So, if they screw this up, I won't really be that let down, and if they rejuvenate it, then I'll get to be pleasantly surprised.
And ditto for re-releasing the original trilogy without all the Special Edition crap. The original Special Edition was my first introduction to Star Wars, so except for a few **** ups (Seriously, Greedo shooting first and Han Solo stepping on Jabba's tale and NOT getting instantly killed? **** you Lucas) I didn't really mind it SO much, but replacing the original actor who played the Emperor in ESB, replacing Boba Fett's dialoge with the dude who played Jengo Fett, and replacing Anakin Skywalker with Hayden Christensen at the end of RotJ made the original trilogy unwatchable.
Yeah, I actually watched the 2004 DVD release of the original Star Wars with the Mr. Plinkett commentary for the entire movie and he pointed out how stupid all the changes were in ways that I never really noticed before. Like when Han shoots Greedo, in the Special Edition they made it so Han's body kind of slides and he effectively dodges the shot, while having the exact same look on his face. I guess I didn't notice it when I was a kid, but as an adult it was painfully obvious. I really want to own the original trilogy, but I want them how they were suppose to be shown. Like many people, I stopped caring about Star Wars as a franchise after Episode II failed to make up for the disappointment that was The Phantom Menace, and didn't even both with Revenge of the Sith till 2006 or 2007 on DVD because I felt I needed to finish it, even if I wasn't looking forward to it.