After being here for a little over a year I have formulated a few opinions about a few people.
Guitarbizzare- I know you know your stuff when it comes to music and appreciate some of your insight about different techniques etc. But other than that your sense of humor is something to be desired a lot of times imo. Lighten up already cant let everybody get on your nerves. Seems like a lot of times the only reason your here is to criticize people and validate your supreme existance.
Janszoon- Still the same, you usually throw some humor in when I least expect it when im reading one of your posts. Dont always agree with your politics but am an avid fan of your taste in music.
Dirty- Even though your gone I feel I have to pay homage to one of my favorite former MBers. Your posts were not only funny but genuine and very blunt. Your knowledge of sports was always fun to discuss and your vids in the cafe are still priceless. (I know SK would agree) Always willing to tackle any topic you felt passionatley about head on and unafraid of the reprecussions. You will be missed my least by some of us. So if your ever trolling along and somehow sneak your way back into MB...well.this posts for you
Freebase- I enjoy your posts on just about any topic I take the time to read. Always well spoken, with a hint of darkness to your humor. Never afraid to lay a comment out there some would find repulsive but usually its worded in such a way that you cant help but laugh and your timing is usually impeccable. Have a talent for creating music of your own and I hope to hear more in the future.
Engine- I like a lot of your taste in music and your dry sense of humor. Your posts are usually well thought out, sharp and to the point. Seem like you have a low tolerance for b.s and your a native Texan.
Batlord- trip me out man with your morbid twisted posts and humor. Keep up the good work!!!
Howard The Duck- Dude I've come to the conclusion your just a post whore. A one sentence or 4 word junky but dont try to hide it and probaly dont care.
There are a couple of newer members who im starting to appreciate but im tired of typing and my spell check does'nt work. So now my head hurts from thinking to much so im going to call it quits for now. Laters