Originally Posted by maidahl
So we're writing the song for you? Post that thing and we can see where you're at and if you suck ass. Sometimes on other sites people need help coming up with a main character's name or ask if it's a good story idea. Bottom line: Give us context so we can help you.
If you're a moody singer-songwriter, don't do drugs. Oh, and if you ever end up posting something, I'll let you know what I honestly think, constructive remarks.
Oh and how is anyone supposed to help you with this thread. Are you a witch or something? How does anyone know how to give you a song suggestion or improvement when all you've said is.. nothing. Do you need better writing process that works for you better than drugs? Or do you need example lyrics? Try lyricsmania, pal
@Guy who linked the original poster: YoubeG.
Ummm... Thanks for the critique but It's not like I'm a moody singer-songwriter, and I have never tried drugs nor do I plan to! I understand that what I wrote is very little but I really don't have that much confidence in writing lyrics so I just asked for advice on how to write it ...