Originally Posted by Exoskeletal
Believe it or not, but this was my first viewing of Rosemary's Baby. I've always been a fan of Polanski but this one just slipped through the cracks for many years. Two things stood out on my first viewing, the direction and Mia Farrow. Polanski had more single take shots than I could count and it was a beauty to watch. The scene in the phone booth was just perfect. Farrow also had a great performance. I really can't see any of the other actresses who were supposed to play Rosemary in the role. Farrow was perfect. The ending was a bit disappointing but I know it was extremely faithful to the book so I can't complain. Overall a very good movie.
Demian Bichir's performance was just slightly better than Clooney's performance in The Descendants. Bichir is the sole driving force of this movie. Not to say that the film isn't good. It is, just nothing we haven't seen before. I haven't gotten choked up in a while but I really did when Bichir talked to his song at the end of the film. He honestly deserved the Oscar.
6/10 film but 10/10 performance from Bichir
I hate to keep bugging you but have you watched The Snowtown Murders yet? I just REALLY need someone to convey my thoughts with about this film.