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Thread: MP3 to Tape?
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Old 10-22-2012, 09:26 AM   #5 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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I want to copy my tape collection unto my PC & be able to make mix tapes thusly. Mostly 'cuz I've metal friends & metal tapes.

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
Right. In order to get anything on a tape you're going to have to have some way of recording onto cassette. A walkman won't do it (unless it's a recording one, and as they sold very badly when they were out I'm going to assume it's not) so either way you're going to have to get some sort of deck you can hook up to your PC so that you can transfer the music onto the tapes. There's just no other way.

Something like this Ion Tape2PC USB Cassette Deck: Electronics will do it for you. There's literally no other option, unless you have an old handheld cassette deck with a mike, and the kind of recording you're going to get from that is, quite frankly, just not worth it.

Even if you get the music onto a CD it still can't be transferred onto a tape without a tape deck that records.
I called Ion... they literally have not a single product which allows you to go from PC to Tape. They only go from Tape to PC
Have mercy on the poor.
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