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Thread: Spanish Music
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Old 10-21-2012, 11:00 AM   #11 (permalink)
sirferdinand's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 8
Default Popular musicians from Argentina

Hi to everyone, this is my first message in this forum.

I'm from Argentina, and there's something I feel I must clarify (perhaps before, my bad english, of course).

Spanish music is music from Spain, the European country.
But the musicians posted here are spanish talkers from diferent countries.

So the thread must be called Hispanic music.

Hispanic refers to a common past, so it includes all cultures with spanish language.
It could seam a silly observation, but we "hispanic" and not "spanish" never refer ourselves like spanish.

Having said so, I bring to you some artists from my country, from the popular scene and the diferent ages of the recording century, that I think you might want to discover, in this post that I've recently made:


I cant' post url
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