What in blue blazes --- I'm not reading THAT! What do you mean, contractually obliged? I'll have you know I have the highest-paid lawyers in the city! We'll see who eats whose shorts, my friend! What? THEY advised this? My own lawyers? Oh, damn and blast it, all right then!
Let's see... hmmm... not reading that.... nor that....
that's right out! Ah, yes, very well then: ahem. Rinn, jinn, rinj, rjin ---- oh damn and blast it, why don't people have proper names? Names like Charles. Or Montgomery. Good names. Real names. What? Oh yes. Well, let's just say the wooden looking fellow with the flat head and the cheroot in your pictogram. Yes, yes, that'll do! Excellent!
I like the cut of your jib, young fella. Or lass. Nobody bothered to write down that information for me. What? You're fired! Yes, now back to the response. Where was I? Oh yes. Anytime you want a job here, it's yours (I could do with another few organs I can harve---) WHAT? The microphone was ON?! What sort of idiot would not make sure --- I BEG your pardon? Yes, I know I'm the one holding the switch --- ah. Hmm. Yes, well you're fired too! In fact, you're ALL fired! Total shutdown of the plant! Go on! Be off with you! Get off my property before I release the hounds! What? I fired them too? Well, I'll hire them back freelance. At a much reduced wage of course. Now GET OUT!
Bah! I don't know why I bother! This speech is OVER!
Oh yes. One more thing. Fifteen minutes from now I shall unleash a horror upon the world the likes of which it has never seen! No-one shall be spared! NO-ONE! HA!
(Translation: thanks for your kind words, Rjinn...)