Originally Posted by Rjinn
Mojopinuk - Hi Mojopunk!  Gotta say the same about being one of the more friendlier members. You're level-headed, very approachable, and give a great ear to attention. Definitely an example member here.
Thank you for this. I am not as friendly and approachable as I used to be but thats mainly because I used to try
too hard to be nice and wasn't being myself. Now I will stand behind my opinion, regardless of whether it is a popular one or not, not really give too much of a crap what people think and won't think twice about calling someone a **** if they are indeed being a ****. So it's nice to know that you see me this way, as being nice and approachable is still important to me.
As for you, you are certainly one of my favourite new members. You may be my favourite newbie of this year actually. In some ways you seem to be someone who is maybe still trying to find herself and work out who she is? You don't always seem the most confident person and if this is the case. maybe one of the things you will discover in the hopefully near fuiture is that confidence in yourself to be who you are.
Of course I could also be way off. What do I know? Regardless, you have presented yourself as a very friendly, very polite, very nice person and someone who, along with a great taste in music (any Electric Wizard fan is good by me) could be a real asset to this community and seems the kind of person I would really like to get know in person.