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Old 10-20-2012, 09:56 PM   #8678 (permalink)
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Yip/Jump Music (1983) by Daniel Johnston

I'm not one to hop on the "Daniel Johnston is a disturbed genius" bandwagon, but I still feel he is still an incredibly clever and creative person. This is my absolute favorite release of his, and it remains relatively consistent throughout its entirety (which is rare for Johnston). The only track on the album that I thought could have been omitted was "King Kong," a rather monotonous, vapid song. However, the rest of the album features clever, witty lyrics that range anywhere from depressing and raw to naive and cute. And, of course, there are those famous infectious melodies that thrive in Daniel Johnston's songwriting. In fact, I can't tell you how many times I've found myself playing this album in my car and singing along to it (it's a rather strange and pitiful sight, I assure you). Anyways, this is definitely the album to listen to if you want to enter the world of Daniel Johnston. It's recording quality is superior in comparison to the rest of his early output, and it exhibits the kind of songwriting that is commonly associated with him. A lo-fi/indie masterpiece, hands-down.

Recommended Albums:
> Don't Be Scared (1982)
> 1990
> Songs of Pain (1981)
> Hi, How Are You (1983)

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