It's time for the ultimate lurker to finally take a crack at this.
Wuzzly- Post for post, probably contributes more to the music threads than I do, which is awesome for someone who's been around for a week. He (?) seems a tad bit brash, but that's never stopped people from being an asset to the community before. Just like
Urban- Wobbles between bitter old bastard and comedic genius. Regardless, I always go straight to his posts when I see him the 'new posts' list, as it's always something either entertaining or scathingly truthful. He acts all crusty and sarcastic, but I think he really loves all (or at least most) of us.
Jackhammer- He's probably forgotten more now than I will know ten years from now. Not just about music (in which he's damn near omnipotent), but in a plethora of subjects where doesn't get enough credit. He's also tough, modest, amiable, and has a golden sense of humor.

But really, out of everyone he is the hardest to write about even though he's one of my favorite members. His posts just have a way of cheering you up and making you smile. Maybe it's because they have an almost child-like innocence to them, even in the most adult contexts. He's very down to earth and humble in the internet's sea of pretention. He is also, in my opinion, the kindest member on the forum along with Canwll and tore.
Canwll Corfe- You seem to walk a line between misanthropy and selfless kindness. As a psych nerd, your personality is very intriguing- being so attracted to melancholious things, suicide as a reassuring thought...I'd probably bug the sh
it out of you if we were neighbors just trying to analyze you or something.
Tore- I really wish he would post more nowadays. If you want an unbiased response, this is your guy. If you want a resource of knowledge, musical, scientific, or otherwise, this is your guy. If you want a loveable personality and a heart of gold, tore is your man.
Howard- Despite previous attacks on your relevance to this forum, I think your oddities stir things up in a positive way. I look forward to your posts because they are pretty much guaranteed to break the mold in some way.
Hermoine/Paloma/Daynaetc- Blunt, sarcastic sense of humor. No BS, concise posting style. Brave as all getout and probably has bigger balls than me. I can't read your blog, though; I'm on a diet and every page is dripping in food porn.
Vanilla- You can be very insightful, compassionate, and kind. Your knowledge of electronic music admirable as well. But can you perhaps, maybe, possibly
not make sexual innuendos in every post? Like, 80% would be a good cutoff.
Burning Down- Having somebody with a thorough knowledge of classical music in a pop-dominated forum is a blessing. People tend to characterize her as this robotic, PC, and nice-in-a-professional-way kind of person, but I just don't see that. I think a lot of her humor is lost on people because it's rather subtle, and she has a bit of an edge when it comes to dealing with stupidity (and I mean that in the nicest way possible).
Conan- Sr. Conando, I've seriously watched your IQ and average post length triple in the last four years, and you were an intelligent and productive member back then as well. His writing style is one of my favorites on this form, balancing a casual, common sense tone with insightful points and clarity. Stellar sense of humor as well. Not bad looking either.
May do more later.