Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle
I am totally impressed with your great wisdom and knownledge. I mean sometimes you know how to command the situation. You also have great analysis on music. Your journal is so interesting and worth seeing.
I always wondered this: Did you ever wanted to be a Radiohost?
Thanks Franco! I did once, back in the eighties, host a radio show on community radio here --- probably had about three listeners, two who were awake! But it was fun. I wouldn't want to be a DJ these days though, as the emphasis seems much more on how funny/outrageous/controversial you can be than what you know about music. It kills me when they play six songs in a row, I liked the fourth, and they just waffle on and say nothing about the songs. I always made a point when I was on the radio of, even when I played four or so tracks one after another, backtracking to name them all, unless I had done so before I started. I hate what radio has become.

These days people seem to listen for what they can win, or to phone in crazy suggestions, and music is a very very distant second.
Glad you're enjoying my journal, and if you have any suggestions please let me know.