if i was to sit down with a kid and introduce them to horror films....these are the 5 they would watch with me

The Beyond (1981)....this is the film that changed my perspective as to what a horror film should be like if it is a good horror film.....blood, blood, blood, and a little more blood
Twitch Of The Death Nerve aka
Bay Of Blood (1971)....this is exactly why Mario Bava has and always will be considered one of the absolute masters of true horror films....perfection is in this film and if i remember correctly most critics consider this as the start of the "slasher" genre....actually several scenes from Friday The 13th Pt 2 were shot for shot remakes of killings in Bay Of Blood...it also apparently has more alternate ending than any other movie filmed....get this
NOW....i suggest the Italian uncut

Suspiria (1977)....look i not argue the fact that this film has very little plot and no story or that the over the top acting is...well horrifying

....but i do not know anybody who loves this movie that would argue these things......what Suspiria is is an absolute attack on the senses....and for most of us who love it was the first real attack of this kind...and it felt soooo good...this is all about the colors, the killings, and the music

Martyrs (2008)....it's been a long time since i've seen a horror flick that had the impact that Martyrs did one me....everything that i love about the horror genre is in here....great plot twist, scary as hell creatures, violence to just about shock anybody....and a wonderful unhappy and somewhat open ended ending....this is by far one of the beast horror films to have been released in the last 10 years

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)....film on next to nothing....and with almost zero blood....this is in my opinion the pinnacle of American horror film.....and this is where it all started with the wave of classic 70s-80s horror flicks.....even to this day i still meet people who swear to god this is based off a real story of chainsaw wielding cannibals in Texas.....Tobe Hooper was an absolute genius with this film....and he scored some of the most frightening music ever in a horror film....make Throbbing Gristle look like Disney theme ride music