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Old 10-15-2012, 04:47 AM   #145 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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You want to elaborate on that? How can you hate religious zealots AND anti-religious people? If you're, as you say, an atheist, are YOU not anti-religious? And if not, what do you consider that to be? I don't believe, really, but was brought up as a RC so have some residual belief there as a sort of genetic marker, but I'd consider myself anti-religious in that I hate the insititution of the Church and its power, and the way it (was) let get away with so much just because of what it was. I also hate the way religions of all kinds are used to justify wars, killing, torture, rape, prejudice, invasion and so on. So does that make me anti-religious? Damn right it does! Do you hate me then?
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