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Old 10-13-2012, 01:00 AM   #1766 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
If I left anyone out, just give me some more time.
You left me out. Do me now, please.

While I wait, I'll do you:

Freebase Dali, formerly known by the extremely douchey name: Veridical Fiction (Truthful Fiction. Get it, dummies?).

You and I joined MB at approximately the same time in 2009. For the record, I realize that you joined 3 months before I did. You had that tiny avatar that was a picture of Barack O. smoking a cigarette that was popular at the time. And your signature said, "Oh what the fuck"

I wanted to like you because you spoke intelligently but you were such a conceited ass that I couldn't fully respect you. Your insecurities shone like the sun.

I would have totally overlooked these things but I couldn't find anything to like about you. Your insecurity and conceit overlapped as you posted what you considered to be sexy pics of yourself (you know the ones I mean). You paradoxically hated yourself, didn't have much to say about music, wanted positive attention, and considered yourself to be a great asset to MB.

When anybody called you out on the fact that you had nothing to say about music other than the music you created yourself, you retaliated by pointing out that you have more technical computer skills than most here.

Eventually your persistence, intelligence, and tech skills won out and you became a moderator of MB despite your open alcoholic tendencies and egotistic proclivities. I respect all of that.

I actually like you now, or at least have become very used to you. I hate your singing voice but I like your instrumental music. One of the artists on my iTunes menu is Freebase Dali.
Like an arrow,
I was only passing through.
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