Music Banter - View Single Post - So I'm working on an essay... on MusicBanter. I could use your help!
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Old 10-11-2012, 06:07 PM   #15 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: This Is England
Posts: 17,331

1. What is your favorite genre of music?
Has to be Rock music but that encompasses everything from Prog to extreme metal.

2. Who are your favorite artists (at least at the moment).
Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree, John Martyn, Underworld, The Cure

3. How important is music in your life? How often do you listen to it?
Every day without fail. Music is my cathartic alter ego and I need it.

4. Why are you a member of Music Banter?
I like to share new music I have heard. Egotism. I revel in the enjoyment of members listening to something I have recommended. I find peoples music tastes an initial barometer of who and what they are.

5. What does this community mean to you?
not as much as it used to be but I return time and time again to find like minded people. It's a comfort blanket.

6. Does your opinion of someone get better if you find that they enjoy the same music that you do?
Of course it does. It's ego stroking even if it's an indirect relationship.

7. Do you find yourself drawn to music that is less well known? Why or why not?
I become frustrated if music that is very similar to music that has widespread appeal but is unknown for whatever reason but I try not to differentiate between what is popular or not. Good music is made on many levels.

8. Do you enjoy searching for new music/music you have never heard before? Is the act of searching for music as enjoyable as the music itself?

Finding new music is extremely cathartic and it let's you into a little world that for a while may only belong to you but I don't exclusively look for new music. I just love being constantly surprised by what the music has to offer if you dare to delve beneath commercialism.

9. Do your friends outside this community listen to similar music that you do?
Not exclusively what I listen to but they are all passionate and knowledgeable about what they listen to and whilst I don't use music as a barometer of friendship (compared to initial meetings), I consider people passionate about whatever hobbies they pursue far more interesting than those spoonfed by the general media.

10. Would you consider yourself a music snob, an elitist, or even, dare I say, a hipster?
Yes but age brings that whether it's intentional or not. I don't want to be a music snob but outsiders can perceive your knowledge as elitism unfortunately.

11. What does music mean to you?
It meant everything to me when my parents split and it means even more to me now I am a widow. Music expresses everything that I don't have the skills or expertise to expand on. It's emotion by proxy.

I may have some follow up questions later. Thanks again (if anyone cares enough to answer a few, anyway).[/QUOTE]

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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