Music Banter - View Single Post - So I'm working on an essay... on MusicBanter. I could use your help!
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Old 10-11-2012, 10:53 AM   #14 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 3,565

1. What is your favorite genre of music?
At this point in my life: hip hop. Had you have asked me this in the past the answers would've been blues, skramz/hardcore, jazz, punk.

2. Who are your favorite artists (at least at the moment).
All time: Dilla, Madlib, Dawn Treader, Jerome's Dream, Wu-Tang Clan, etc.
Now: Bassnectar, Ta-Ku, Knxwledge, Deadmau5, Master P.

3. How important is music in your life? How often do you listen to it?
Like most members here I listen to music pretty much every waking second. Luckily I work in an industry that allows us to play music all day long too, so from the time I wake up to the time I come home from work I've got something playing.

4. Why are you a member of Music Banter?
Force of habit.

5. What does this community mean to you?
An outlet for creative people to share and grow their musical inclinations collectively.

6. Does your opinion of someone get better if you find that they enjoy the same music that you do?
Yes, tremendously so.

7. Do you find yourself drawn to music that is less well known? Why or why not?
I did find myself searching for more and more obscure albums or bands, things very few people had heard much less owned copies of. Nowadays it is less of a priority, if only for the fact that I've got less time on my hands to seek it out. I do appreciate the underground more than the mainstream, be it MB mainstream or popular mainstream.

8. Do you enjoy searching for new music/music you have never heard before? Is the act of searching for music as enjoyable as the music itself?
The act is both cathartic and at times agonizing. Hearing something new is always rewarding but when you hit a slow patch and can't find anything to excite you it can be frustrating.

9. Do your friends outside this community listen to similar music that you do?
Yes and no. Imo it's more of I listen to stuff they listen to sometimes and keep my tastes pretty much to myself. I suspect this is the case for a lot of members.

10. Would you consider yourself a music snob, an elitist, or even, dare I say, a hipster?
Nope, listen to what you like.

11. What does music mean to you?
Communication, expression, a means to form kindred bonds with people you don't know or haven't met yet.
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